You cannot serve God and money so don’t be anxious about your life.

While reading in Matthew chapter 6 I was struck by a word that I had never noticed before. How thankful I am that the Holy Spirit stopped me there on that word! The word was “Therefore” which means “for that reason” or “because of that”.

Matthew 6:24-25

24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. [6]

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on.

We cannot serve God and money, so because of this Jesus tells us not to be anxious about our life. When we are anxious about our life whom are we trusting? Money or God? If we are trusting in money or the world we are trusting them to meet our needs and we are serving them. If we are trusting God to satisfy our needs we are serving Him. If God can be trusted why are we anxious about our life? What does our anxiousness say to our God about our trust in Him, and what does our anxiousness say to the world about the trustworthiness of our God?

2 thoughts on “You cannot serve God and money so don’t be anxious about your life.

  1. Troy Astudillo says:

    Hi there I’m a 29 male with two young daugthers
    I was independent ever since I was 19 I’m a believer in Christ.This summer of 09 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis this hit me like lighting bolt,this Is a debilitating disease social security benefits not enough to help my family don’t have a seriuos education.I’m asking God for supernatural healing it’s scary I also ask him for a chance to win the lottery.

    • Troy, I haven’t walked the stormy path you are on and so I need to be careful with words that might sound trite. I do know that because you belong to Christ that this present suffering won’t compare with the glory to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18) I’m not sure if you are familiar with Matt Chandler and his ministry. He was recently diagnosed with brain cancer and has young family like yourself. John Piper delivered a message to his church that you should listen to. I found it very helpful and I pray you will as well. You can find the sermon here. I will be praying for your complete healing and for peace for you and your family. – Todd

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